Monday, 21 August 2017

Why I Believe In Universal Salvation

What is Universal Salvation?

Also referred to as Universal Reconciliation or (Christian) Universalism, Universal Salvation is the theological doctrine that ‘all sinful and alienated human souls - because of divine love and mercy - will ultimately be reconciled to God’ (source). In other words, it’s the belief that everybody goes to heaven. Everybody. It competes with the more typical Christian belief that only Christians who have repented and believe wholly in Jesus Christ’s status as Lord and God will go to heaven when their time comes, and I have personally wrestled with both concepts, seeing both the Scriptural and moral reasoning behind the two.

Why do I believe in Universal Salvation?
I believe this for two reasons; morally and through the promises of Scripture. Firstly, Scripture.

Why wouldn’t everyone go to heaven? Well, in Isaiah 59:2, we learn that our sins have ‘hidden His (God’s) face’ from us. This implies that should we sin, God will turn from us and therefore nobody at all would go to heaven, as we all sin (see Romans 3:23). However, John 1:29 counters this idea in favour of heaven’s accessibility. ‘John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”’. If Jesus takes away the sin of the whole world, then the whole world has no reason to be separated from God.

The next logical question is what does ‘heaven' mean? Descriptions and signs of heaven are prevalent throughout the entire Bible, so I’ve picked out a select few that I feel sum it up. Isaiah 54:8 says that ‘“in a surge of anger I (God) hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you”, says the Lord your Redeemer’. To me, this verse promises kindness both in this life and the next, as God and eternity are everlasting. The idea of eternity is echoed later, in the New Testament (John’s Gospel, chapter 17, verse 2 to be exact). This verse is a little tough to comprehend without context, so I’ve replaced the ‘You’s and ‘He’s with whom they are referring to. ‘For God granted Jesus authority over all people so that Jesus might give eternal life to all those God has given to Him’. If God has committed all things to Christ and Christ can give eternal life to all that God has given Him, then surely it makes sense for all things to have eternal life (in heaven). Revelations 21:4-5 are two of my favourite verses, as they provide such a vivid picture of heaven; ‘He (God) will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away’.

Then, we get to the tougher part: but is salvation for everybody? I think that Scripture says yes. ‘The Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples… destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations… swallow up death forever… wipe away the tears from al faces… remove His people’s disgrace from all the Earth’ (Isaiah 25:6-8). For all people. All people. He will eliminate death and remove the stain of all people’s sin. This notion of ‘all’ is repeated in John 12:32 (‘“And I (Jesus), when I am lifted up from the Earth, will draw all people to myself”’) and 1 Timothy 2:5-6 (‘the man Jesus Christ, who gave himself as a ransom for all people’). If God wants all men to be saved, can His wants be thwarted? One final comment on the ‘all’ is the Parable of the Wandering Sheep in Matthew 18, telling us that like the man who owns 100 sheep and is unwilling to lose even one, God is not willing to lose one single person.

As a final point on Scripture and to sum up the entire belief of Universal Salvation, Romans 3:3-4 (‘What if some were unfaithful (to God)? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all!’).

Phew. Thanks for sticking around. Here’s the much shorter but just as important reason for my belief in Universal Salvation; morals.
Not morals as in ‘I want everyone to be happy, so I want them to all be happy in heaven’, although that is true of me honestly. If that was my only reason, that wouldn’t make either haven or Universal Salvation real, that would just make me compassionate. I mean morals as in I know God’s heart, I know He is loving and forgiving, compassionate and kind, and I know He wants the best for every single person, because He created them. He is your protector and sustainer who does not want to see you go without. He is infinite and eternal, with you in your past and present and future whether you feel like you know Him or not. He is wise and just and faithful, He will strengthen you and help you if you only ask. But most of all, God is Love.

If you know love, you know God. And believe me, He knows you.

For a more comprehensive list of the Scripture that supports the doctrine of Universal Salvation, visit this link.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Religious Shaming

As a person of faith, all too often in church I hear the words 'you should be ashamed'. More often, it is implied rather than directly said, but the message is still the same.

You should be ashamed because you're gay.
You should be ashamed because you're not a virgin.
You should be ashamed because of who your parents are.

This humiliation and formation of some moral hierarchy really, really grinds my gears, particularly when it happens in the name of a higher power. Jesus didn't die so that I/you/anyone could be shamed for being themselves, He died so that we didn't have to feel ashamed. I know quite a lot of people who have rejected faith because they felt pressured and defamed by it, and who were actually made to feel inferior due to this integrated 'shame culture'.

Many pastors/church leaders seem to try and disguise this shaming with making people humble. Humility is not hiding who you are because you feel embarrassed. Humility is having a modest and rightful view of your own importance (which in the grand religious scheme of things is either not very important, as God is so much greater than us, or pretty important, as He did decide that the world needed one of you), which is very different indeed to shame.

Another way this religious 'shaming' is masked is as repentance. As a Christian, repentance is very important; confessing what you've done wrong to God and accepting His forgiveness. Repentance is, once again, not shaming. As a 21st-century human being, you do not need to repent for what is called 'original sin'; Adam and Eve's mistake of eating the apple. Original sin is a very difficult concept for me to understand, and I don't think that it is an issue that we should be dealing with nowadays, even as 'good' Christians (also wtf is a 'good' Christian? Any Christian is a 'good' Christian). If I have done something which I see as sinful, I will repent and ask for God's forgiveness. I told neither Adam nor Eve to eat the apple, so (assuming that the story is literal) why on earth should I be punished for it?

Jesus was (and is) all about forgiveness, all about compassion, all about love. Heck, He is love (see 1 John 4:8). I don't think it's very compassionate to force someone into feeling ashamed for something that they can't control, e.g. original sin or being gay, therefore it isn't very Christ-like to do so either. And we all know that the number 1 goal for Christians is to be Christ-like (see Matthew 11:29, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Ephesians 5:1-2, 1 Peter 2:21, 1 John 2:6, and the entire rest of the New Testament).

So I will not be ashamed for something I should not be ashamed for. I will boast in Christ, I will tell of His gifts and His love for me and for you, and I will not be silent because you have told me I should be.

So yes, the Bible does say that we're all sinners (Job 15:14). But also yes, the Bible tells us to 'Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed' - 2 Timothy 2:15. If your church/pastor/family is shaming you (especially in a religious context), feel free to come at them with any of this scripture. Or if all else fails, just tell them to stop being judgey. You know who's the only judge here? God.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

New Side Blog!

Hi guys!

So here is some very exciting news:
I now have a side blog! It's called Christianity In Motion, and (as the name implies) will be all about Christianity. It is accessible through the tab at the top of this blog, and Daintily Dreaming is accessible from a tab on CIM! I'll still post all of my posts on here, but the ones concerning faith will also be posted on there.
I hope you're all having a wonderful week <3

Saturday, 15 July 2017

WW: Study/Sleep Soundtracks

Happy Wednesday! The second installation of Wellbeing Wednesdays is here: Soundtracks that I use to help me sleep or study (or both)!

1. Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack (sounds EPIC, makes you feel like finishing that essay will save the world and the seven seas)

2. Piano Music (2 hours of calming and lovely music)

3. Guitar Music (3 hours of beautiful plucking and strumming)

4. John Williams Soundtrack Compilation (oh JW, I love you)

5. Piano Music Masterlist (my no.1 go-to! A collection of Classical, Baroque, Romantic, 20th Century, and Contemporary pieces)

An Apology!

Hi guys!!!
I realise I haven't posted since Wednesday the 5th, sorry! I wish I had a good excuse as to why, but honestly it was solely because I was having the most amazing time in Berlin! Check out what we got up to in Jemima's epic post about the week!

Anyways, now we're ready to get back on track, starting with the post that should've gone up on Wednesday (again I am very very sorry :( Watch this space!)

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

WW: Websites for Calm

Hello all! Welcome to a brand new series that’ll run for more than one month: Wellbeing Wednesdays! Here are my top 5 websites to use when you need to just get away from what you’re doing and distract yourself for a little while.

1. The Quiet Place - So relaxing. Let it take you on a calming journey.

2. Neon Flames Make a nebula! Beautiful and calming.

3. Looking at Something Control the weather and let our frustration if you need to.

4. Weave Silk The BEST. Make such beautiful art so easily - an incredible distraction.

5. Liquid Particles Tiny particles follow your mouse. Always a great distraction.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

My Bucket List

Hiya everyone, here’s my shortened, revised bucket list. I feel like everyone should have one just for the sake of it, and although to some it’s seen as morbid, to me it’s an endless supply of hope and imagination and excitement for what is to possibly come. Some of the places I’ve never been, and others I cant wait to return to. Some things are one-off, some are ongoing. Some can never be truly completed, but that doesn’t mean we can’t aspire. Sometimes unfinished is okay, sometimes it is wonderful.

To Go:
  • Alaska
  • Argentina
  • Arizona
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • California
  • China
  • Colorado
  • Cuba
  • Egypt
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hawaii
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Illinois
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Kansas
  • Kenya
  • Madagascar
  • Morocco
  • New Zealand
  • Portugal
  • Quebec
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • South Africa
  • South Carolina
  • Sweden
  • Texas
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • Wales

To Do:
  • Be contented with myself 
  • Be in a feature-length film
  • Be self-sufficient for a while
  • Concerts
  • Find my place in the world
  • Finish reading the Bible
  • Get a degree
  • Get baptised
  • Get married
  • Get my seconds pierced
  • Go on the London Eye
  • Grow as a Christian
  • Help people, however I can
  • Join a sorority
  • Keep my house plants alive
  • Know for sure my path and purpose
  • Learn how to cheerlead
  • Learn more about other faiths and cultures
  • Little tattoos
  • Meet a royal
  • Musicals
  • Play Éponine in any production of Les Miserables
  • Play Evita in any production of Evita
  • Plays
  • Raise a child
  • Read
  • Stay vegan
  • Take my child(ren)/niece(s)/nephew(s) to Disneyworld
  • Thank SK for all she does and has done
  • Thank the Ss for all they do and have done
  • Write a kick-ass Personal Statement
  • Write a novel (doesn’t have to be published, doesn’t have to be good)
  • Write more poetry

- These are all ‘I’d-Like-To-Do/Go’s, not ‘I-Must-Do/Go’s. I will still be totes fulfilled if I don’t complete all of these, and I have so much more I want to do in life than just these.
- My overarching and sole goal in life is to do/go/be what/where God wants me to do/go/be. If His plan is for me to have achieved none of these ‘objectives’, that’s more than cool with me.
- These are solely in alphabetical order. No preference is listed, no urgency put on anything.

Books I'm Loving This Month

1. If I Stay - Gayle Foreman
There are very few books that I can sit down with and read cover to cover in one sitting. With this book, I could never not. Honestly, there are no words to describe the emotion this novel put me through, and reading it was a pleasure, although it didn’t feel like it at the time. It’s rare for me to be rooting for the characters in a novel at all, let alone as hard as I was (and am still) rooting for Mia, and even for Adam. 100% recommended for everyone, and I’m very much looking forward to watching the film adaptation (and reading the sequel!).

2. Looking For Alaska - John Green
When I first read this book about 4 years ago, I hated it. I didn’t connect with any of the characters, and frankly, I hated Alaska (the character, the place is lovely I’m sure). This did not make for an enjoyable read, but after re-reading recently, I’m in love. Being this little bit older than I was, I found it so much easier to relate to the protagonists, and the story just really resonated with me in a way that it hadn’t before. However, Looking For Alaska still isn’t as life-changing as Green’s other novels.

3. One Of Us Is Lying - Karen McManus
I picked this up by chance in one of my much-too-frequent Waterstones impulse buys, and I am so so glad that I did. A riveting plot, developed yet still guilty-pleasure-esque stereotypical characters, and a deep underlying moral lesson, this novel is so unique and a fresh take on a too-overly-done genre.. So fresh, in fact, that you don’t realise the trope until you come to the big revelation (of which, of course, my lips are sealed).

4. Just Like Fate - Cat Patrick and Suzanne Young
Every single one of Patrick’s novels are incredible. Every single one, no exaggeration. I first fell in love with Forgotten, then Revived, then The Originals (all 100% recommended), and now her collaboration with Suzanne Young. I’m not normally a sucker for romances (not reflected by this list) but I really was for Just Like Fate. Both Patrick’s and Young's writing styles are so comprehensive yet evoke so much emotion, it’s impossible to not adore their characters.

5. What Light - Jay Asher
Okay so I realise I've gone completely romantic on y'all, which wasn't the plan, but I guess that's what I've been reading recently! Jay Asher (author of the incredible novel 13 Reasons Why) is one of my favourite authors of all time, even though I've only read two of his books (both of which are absolute masterpieces). So cheesy, so Christmas-y, so much less dark than 13RW, such a fun read that still really makes you think. 

Monday, 26 June 2017

5 Vegan Spots

1. Johnny V's, Gosport
Having opened very recently, Johnny V's already has a menu packed with delicious foods, and it's all 100% vegan! Vegan pizza, vegan burgers, vegan mayo, vegan cakes, vegan brownies, vegan everything!

2. Zizzi
Although a mainstream chain of restaurants, Zizzi are constantly expanding their vegan menu, which includes starters, mains, and puddings. The 'cheese' on the vegan pizzas are SO GOOD and taste just like mozzarella.

3. Exclusive Cake Shop and Vintage Tea Room, Chichester
Such a beautiful and quaint little tearoom, it caters for everyone from omnivores to coeliacs to vegans! I recommend the afternoon teas, but make sure to let the server know you're vegan before ordering, so you don't get a nasty shock.

4. Chimichanga
Another chain restaurant catering to all, Chimichanga's Mexican food can easily be made vegan; just ask! The staff are happy to remove cheese/sour cream from a vegetarian burrito, making it vegan.

5. Pie & Vinyl, Southsea
Next on my list of veg-friendly places to visit, Pie & Vinyl is in no way a traditional café. Serving pie, mash, and sausages, you can wait for your food while searching through the vinyls for sale. There are currently 3 vegan pies, vegan mash and mushy peas, and vegan quiche! I miss quiche so much. So much. Everything is clearly labelled if it is vegetarian/vegan/gluten free, and the concept is so unique; I can't wait to visit!

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

TV I'm Loving This Month

Here are 5 TV shows that I'm Loving This Month!

1. Pretty Little Liars
Omgggggggg!!!! I am literally watching the latest episode while I'm writing this... SO good!

2. Victorious
Don't judge. I rediscovered Victorious on Netflix recently because I was trying to remember the name of a song sung on the show (it was Beggin' On Your Knees by Victoria Justice if you're interested) and I've just been watching ep after ep ever since.

My family and I were pretty late to the party with regards to LOST, only discovering it a few years ago. We have the first 4/5 seasons on DVD and I've been rewatching slowly over the past few months. I'm still not over so many of the deaths, although I've been told to series ending is very disappointing...

4. Peppa Pig
Okay hear me out... I'm taking A Level French, and it's really helpful to be able to hear someone speaking the language but relatively slowly, so you get used to the sounds (and learn some new vocab). That's my reasoning for watching Peppa Pig (in French, of course), and ngl I'm actually kind of enjoying it.

5. American Horror Story
Again, I was way late on the AHS bandwagon, but now I'm on it I love it so much. I've almost finished season 3 (Coven) and am super excited to watch the rest!

What are you loving on TV right now?

Monday, 19 June 2017

Why Oversharing Is Important

Hi guys! Sorry this is going up today instead of yesterday, but yesterday I was surprised with free tickets to see Cliff Richard in concert that night! Crazy times... Anyways, today's post is about why is it so so so important to overshare.

Now, oversharing, by definition, is:

revealing an inappropriate amount of detail about one's personal life.

However, I don't think that oversharing is inappropriate at all! (For clarity, I am referring to oversharing within family groups, or groups of friends. NOT with colleagues/strangers/your boss.) I overshare massively with my friends, and they do with me. When one of us has awful cramps, or is worried about a spot on her boob, or isn't sure whether something she does is normal or not, we're all there to help her out. Without oversharing about your issues, how are you going to know how to solve them? I mean, of course, there's the internet, but it's a lot easier and more reliable to get the info directly from your friends. Plus, in the case of cramps, she'll probably give you some ibuprofen which she wouldn't have known you needed if you didn't overshare.

Secondly, oversharing is so essential to friend groups because it's important to know what's going on in one another's lives, and if you can help them out. If someone is going through a hard time with their friend/partner/parent/sibling/life, then knowing that will make you as a friend more wary of their feelings, and you won't be shocked and not know what's going on if they suddenly break down and cry.

Thirdly, almost every single person in the world worries that they aren't 'normal', especially in regards to the parts of us that we can't easily check. You know if your arm or your face is 'abnormal', because you can always see everyone else's and compare them, but when it comes to more intimate areas we don't have that luxury. Plus, when you're an insecure teenager (or adult, for that matter), you don't want to go to the doctor and see if everything's okay because what if they accidentally embarrass you? What if nothing's wrong and you're making a fuss? What if something is wrong? But, when you overshare with friends (preferably of the same gender for this one), you realise that you aren't the only one worrying about tiny things. Most likely, you're totally 'normal', but sometimes it's nice to be able to talk about the same issues without the prying ears of someone you wouldn't be comfortable talking about it with. Plus, if your problem is not suffered by at least one of your friends, maybe that's a sign to go to the doctor when you otherwise wouldn't have. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

In conclusion, not only does oversharing bring you closer to yourself and your friends, it could also save a life one day.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Films I'm Loving This Month

Here are 5 of the films that I'm Loving This Month!

1. Moana
Yep, I'm still in love with it! I mean, the soundtrack alone is enough to make Moana an instant classic. That iconic 'I am Moana' yaaaassssssss!!!

2. Hacksaw Ridge
I saw this a couple of months ago when it was first released, and (I kid you not) I literally cried from the opening scene until way after the credits. For me, the main character was so relatable even though his circumstances weren't, which I thought was a lovely parallel. I must rewatch, but I'll remember to bring the tissues this time!

3. St Trinian's
Having adored this movie (and it's sequel) for many, many years, I was thrilled to catch it on TV the other day. I still laugh, I'll be honest.

4. Kick-Ass 2
Both Kick-Ass movies are such feel-good guilty pleasures of mine. The characters are wonderful, the plot is hilarious, and yet there are still some gut-and-heart-wrenching scenes and themes. 10/10 would recommend.

5. Zero Day
Do you really expect a best-films list of mine to not contain Zero Day???? It's nearly 15 years since this masterpiece was released in 2003, and it's still just as relevant and just as fantastic. My love.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

My Thoughts on the Recent Election

If you don't already know, the UK held a General Election on Thursday. The results surprised a lot of people, including myself. To start off if you aren't that aware of British politics, here's a rundown:
- Conservative Party, led by Theresa May. Before the election was the ruling party and has been for a while (therefore May was the Prime Minister) and is roughly equivalent to the right-wing US Republican Party.
- Labour Party, led by Jeremy Corbyn. Roughly equivalent to the left-wing US Democratic Party.
- Liberal Democrats, led by Tim Farron. Supposedly neither left nor right-wing.
- Green Party, led by Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley. Mainly focussed on improving the environment. Always win in Brighton and nowhere else.
- UK Independence Party (UKIP), led by Paul Nuttall. Very right-wing, and often called racist/islamophobic.
- Scottish National Party (SNP), led by Nicola Sturgeon. Campaign for Scottish independence (even though they already had a referendum in which the public voted to stay in Britain) and generally only win seats in Scotland.
- Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), led by Arlene Foster. I'd never heard of them until recently, but apparently they're from Northern Ireland and their right-wing policies seem to be only focussed on NI.
- Sinn Féin, led by Gerry Adams. An 'Irish republican' political party, whatever that means. Main policy is to have a united independent Ireland (mainland + Northern Ireland) and never take their seats in Westminster as they don't acknowledge it. (Thank you Jemima for your Sinn Féin expertise!)
- There are other small parties but these are the main few, and the ones I'll be discussing in this post.
The UK governmental system is, in a nutshell: a party must win at least 326 seats (Members of Parliament [MPs]) in an election to get a majority, and then they govern the country. Their leader becomes Prime Minister (PM) and they can make the laws and essentially do whatever they want. If, however, no party gets the majority (which is called a Hung Parliament), then they can choose to form a coalition, where there is dual authority in Parliament. For example, in 2010 the Conservatives had 306 seats, not enough for a majority. The Liberal Democrats had 57 seats, so when the two parties combined, they had 363 seats overall, more than the 326 majority. Therefore, the leaders (David Cameron and Nick Clegg, respectively) became PM and Deputy PM.

I align myself most closely with the Labour Party, so I'll tell you now this is probably a biased account of this year's election, but it is my opinion after all. Actually, I align most with the Green Party, but as they're so tiny they'll never win, so Labour is my closest large party. This election was a huge surprise, and here's why:

  1. The turnout for young people was off the charts. Having previously been criticised for being 'lazy', 'apathetic', and not caring about their futures, young people really stepped up their game this year, which will hopefully spark changes/additions in the manifestos of many parties to appeal more to the younger generation too. 
  2. The Labour Party gained masses of votes. Corbyn had been campaigning like mad and targeting young people, which probably explains the huge increase in young voters. In the 2010 election, they had 29% of the votes, in the 2015 election 30%, and in the most recent election a whopping 40%. That is a likely unseen increase, which is a huge deal for every single party, as well as the country.
  3. We don't really know what's going to happen next. The Conservatives 'won' the election (meaning they have the most MPs) with 318 seats, but that isn't enough for a majority. Therefore, we currently have a Hung Parliament (like I explained earlier). 
  4. The Conservatives seem to be buddying up with the DUP, which is angering a lot of people. The DUP has some not PC views and had been called far-right, extremist, and populist. They are very anti-abortion, oppose gay marriage, and campaigned publicly against the legalisation of 'homosexual acts' in Northern Ireland in 1977 (for context, 'homosexual acts' were legalised in Britain in 1969).
  5. Theresa May has been lying a lot recently. She firstly said that there was no way she would call a snap election, and what did she do? Well, there wouldn't be this post if she hadn't called that snap election. More recently, she said that should her Conservative Party lose 6 seats in this election, she would step down as leader. They have in fact lost 12 seats, and has she stepped down? No way. Also just to dig the knife in deeper, her main campaign against Jeremy Corbyn (and by extension the entire Labour Party) was calling him a 'terrorist sympathiser'. Is her getting all close with the DUP not terrorist sympathising? The British public seem to be at their wits' end with Theresa May, and I'm exactly the same.
  6. On a lighter note, this is the most diverse Parliament in British history. !!!!! We now have 45 LGBT MPs (19 of which are Conservative, which surprised me), 52 ethnic minority MPs (who are still staggeringly under-represented, with 598 MPs being white), 208 female MPs (which is so cool when you think about how just over 100 years ago Emily Davison died for women to have the vote, let alone to be in Parliament), and the most disabled representation ever. No matter what it looks like from afar, I promise Parliament is progressing. I hope.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Music I'm Loving This Month

Happy Wednesday! This month brings a brand new series: Loving This Month! Each week I'll be sharing with you 5 of my top things for this month. This week is Music!

This is supposed to be a list of June favourites, but it's barely June (it's June 7th, by my watch). Therefore, this is what I'm loving currently, but who knows, it'll probably change throughout the rest of June. You can also listen to my June Playlist, which will be constantly added to as we go through the month, or check out the rest of My Spotify :).

1. blackbear
Chateau was my favourite song last month, and it's no different this month! The entire digital druglord album is incredible (and Help is pretty darn great too), and all blackbear's songs have such a great beat.

2. Bird Set Free - Sia
I never really jumped on the Sia bandwagon when she first became popular, but somehow I've only just discovered Bird Set Free, which has quickly become one of my favourite songs. I mean cmon, those damn VOCALS. GIRL.

3. The Eagles
Hotel California is both a classic song and a classic album. Both greatly loved by me atm. (My favourite song from the album is New Kid in Town.)

4. Wait - M83
I only found out about this song because (of all things) it's on the Skins soundtrack. Amazing show, amazing song. I'm listening to it right now and it's honestly making me emotional even writing this what I cant take it.

5. R5
I'm ashamed. I thought I was way out of my boyband phase, but R5 seem to combine the sweet boyband (yes, I know they're not a boyband) look of pretty-boy Ross Lynch and co with an edgier tone, and their album Sometime Last Night just seems to make you feel good. Very Summer. Much Love. (Also i am STOKED to see Ross in My Friend Dahmer; if only they'd release a trailer... Or a release date...)

Monday, 5 June 2017

10 Father's Day Gifts

Hiya!! Father's Day this year is on Sunday 18 June for both the USA and UK, which is next Sunday (not this Sunday, don't panic).
 Finding an affordable yet decent present is always difficult, so I thought I’d help you guys out by compiling a lil list of easily-gotten presents for the man/men in your life.

1. Hobby-Related Items
Is he into cooking? Golf? Gardening? Ge him a new recipe book, a personalised club bag, a beautiful plant. Personalise the gift(s) and prove you know him well by thinking about what he likes to do on the weekends.

2. Jewellery or Clothing
This is a little tougher than other gifts, because if it’s clothing then you have to make sure you get the right size, and with either option there’s always a chance that he won’t like it. Personal taste is especially prevalent when it comes to clothing and other wearable items, so don’t be disheartened if he doesn’t seem totally thrilled with the gift (and only go for jewellery if he's a man-jewellery kinda guy). Nevertheless, if you feel confident that you know his style (and size), then go for it! Pick a style or colour of clothing he seems to wear a lot, and keep the receipt! That way, if worse comes to worse then he can swap it for something else, and he’ll still appreciate the thought that’s gone into it.

3. Books
Does he have a favourite series? Favourite author? Favourite genre? If so, the newest book in the series/by the author is always a good shout. Plus, this is a little more personal than more generic (but still loved) gifts, which will show him that you’re thinking about him.

4. CDs
As with books, if he has a favourite genre of music/artist/band then their newest CD is always appreciated. Although us youths don’t tend to use physical music media anymore, drifting more towards online media like Spotify or Apple Music, the older generation are more prone to sticking by their guns and preferring to use music that they can hold, like CDs. Just make sure to check the CD shelf so you know he doesn’t already have it.

5. Tickets
Whether it be a sporting event, a concert, a play/musical, or anything else, buying your father tickets to a day out for the two of you will always be a hit, just make sure that the tickets are for something he wants to do, not just what you want to do. Tickets are an easy way of dragging out the celebrations over more than one day, giving him something to look forward to, and bringing a really personal touch to a gift. (Although admittedly they aren’t too fun to unwrap.)

6. Meal
Booking a table at his favourite café/restaurant (and saying you’ll pay) is, like tickets, a way of making a gift more personal. Although, this could get expensive, depending on his taste! Once again, it’s gotta be his favourite restaurant for this to be effective. Plus, you could make a day of it, and do something fun before/after!

7. Art
If you’re really struggling for money, then use your talent(s) to make him a present! Whether it be a poem, a song, a portrait, a dance, or anything else you can put your creative-ness into, then I’m sure he’ll be touched that you put so much effort into a present for him! After all, where gifts are concerned, the thought is so much more important than the expenses.

8. Photo
If you have a really nice photo of you and your dad, then printing, framing, and hanging it can be an incredibly touching and thoughtful gift. (PSA: Boots print photos very inexpensively and at a v good quality.) Surprise him on Father’s Day morning with the photo on the wall/his desk/the mantelpiece.

9. Star
Naming a star after him is not only AWESOME, but actually a lot cheaper than you might think. Go to Star Name Registry to find out more! I personally am OBSESSED with the stars, and if anyone did this for me I think I’d cry. Scratch that, I’d definitely cry. And possibly marry them on the spot (were they not my dad).

10. Gift Card
When all else fails, a gift card is the perfect present. If you’ve spent hours trawling through his favourite shop, and come out to no avail, then simply let him choose his own present by getting him a gift card. These can normally be found at the counter of the shop in question, or more general gift cards can be found literally almost anywhere, most notably in supermarkets.

If nothing takes your fancy, make sure you check out Not On The High Street for personalised gifts the are, as the name implies, not on the typical high street!
Good luck my friends.

Happy Birthday Walt Whitman

Hiya! Today is the birthday of one of my favourite poets of all time: Walt Whitman!

Walt Whitman

Born: 31 May 1819, New York, USA

Died: 26 March 1892, New Jersey, USA (age 72)

Nationality: American

Fame: Poet, essayist, and journalist. Dubbed the 'father of free verse'.

Why I chose them: Leaves of Grass is my favourite and most annotated poetry book in my collection. His work was very controversial in the 1800s, and he was one of the first to explore the gap between realism and transcendentalism (which is too long a word IMO), making him one of the most influential poets of all time. Also, his views on religion and the soul are fascinating to me, making him the subject of today's post!

Choosing A University

Choosing a university can be a very daunting task and can seem to be a lot of work, but it doesn't have to be that way. Here’s my short guide of how to narrow down your uni choices and pick one that’s right for you.

  • research 
  • go on as many universities’ websites as you can, and note down and courses they do that slightly interest you. I personally put this info into a table, alongside other factors (whether or not you could do a year abroad, entry requirements, when the open days are, etc.). If a uni doesn't do a course you’re interested in; don’t go there. Don’t even bother going to the open day, which is something that I don't ever say lightly. 
  • ask around 
  • do you have older siblings who’ve been through uni? Older friends? Family friends? Ask your friends and family if they know people who’ve been through uni (especially doing the course(s) you’re interested in. People who’ve ‘been there’ and ‘done that’ are great sources of unbiased information that normally isn't on websites. From speaking to people, you get a sense of how you would be living yourself, straight from the horse’s mouth as it were (what a weird saying). 
  • league tables 
  • although you 100% shouldn't base your choices off of league table results, they do come in handy. For example, if you’re looking into an art subject, check the tables for it. The ‘best’ uni for art is not necessarily the best uni for biology or engineering. Doing this may highlight a uni that you weren't even considering. 
  • open days 
  • once you have your list/table compiled; it’s time for the open days. These are my absolute favourite part of uni choosing, as you get a real sense of what it’d be like to live and study at said establishment. Check my Guide to Uni Open Days for more prep advice and info, and a full list of many universities’ open days. Come prepared with questions to ask the lecturers/students, and don't forget to check out the accommodation and food stalls/student life areas. After being at the university and trying out the courses, you should be able to narrow down your choices massively. Keep a record of your experiences, as by the time you’ve been to your final open day, you’ll have forgotten the first one! You can rate them on aspects out of 10, or write pros and cons, or take photos, or just make notes. 
  • compare 
  • once you’ve been to all your favourite unis, look at all the courses you’d like to study. Which would be your favourite? Second favourite? Are these at the same uni, or different? Also, remember to take the entry requirements into account. If you’re not gonna get A*A*A at A Level, it’s probably not best to only apply for courses with those requirements. (Also remember to check for specific subject reqs, you may need to do A Level Law to do a Law degree, etc.) On the flip side, if you’re on track to get A*A*A at A Level, first of all congrats omg, teach me how please, and second don’t apply for only unis with reqs of BBB. It’s always good to have a ‘safeguarding’ uni with lower entry requirements, but don’t feel like you shouldn't aim high, because you always should! 
  • keep lists 
  • I am a big fan of lists and organisation in general, but this list is essential. Keep track of whether you’re put of or put on (?) by a course/uni, because if you forget then you’ll have to go through the process again and that’s just a massive waste of time. 
  • have fun 
  • choosing a uni can be daunting, but you can also have fun doing it! Display your data in your own way, make it easy for you personally to understand. Write, draw, make tables, do whatever works for you. And remember: choose a course, not a uni. I’d definitely rather do a subject I’ll enjoy at a lesser-known uni than do Maths (which I despise, sorry) at Oxbridge solely because of the name. Choose what’s right for you, not your friends, not your parents, not your teachers. 

Have you considered:

  • subjects 
  • location 
  • entry requirements 
  • accommodation (location, size, catered/uncatered, etc) 
  • student life (societies etc) 
  • study abroad potential 
  • finances 
  • atmosphere 
  • number of students/staff 
  • campus vs city 
  • surrounding area
Hey guys, I hope you're well!
So I've had the next three posts written for a long time, but silly me completely forgot to post them...

face palm.

Sorry!! But hey, you're lucky enough to get three posts in one day!

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Happy Birthday Queen Victoria

Hi guys! Happy Thursday - sorry this post is late!

Queen Victoria

Born: 24 May 1819 (Alexandrina Victoria), London

Died: 22 January 1901, Isle of Wight

Nationality: British

Fame: Longest-ruling British monarch until Queen Elizabeth II, Empress of India.

Why I chose them: After becoming Queen at 18 and ruling for almost 64 years over the United Kingdom, and 25 over India, anyone's going to have made a big contribution to modern society. Queen Victoria and her generation are responsible for bringing Christmas trees and Christmas cards to the UK, which I'm sure a lot of us are very grateful for. Victoria 'ushered in the modern monarchy', redefining both ruling and working class peoples' lives. Coming to power in a very tough social time (see A Christmas Carol et al for details), Victoria had an uphill struggle to overcome by bettering the lives of all classes of people, which she came out very much on top of. In short, without Queen Victoria our society today would be very, very different.
Happy Birthday (for yesterday), Victoria! 

Sunday, 21 May 2017

2017 Guide to Uni Open Days

Hi guys! If you're currently looking into universities, you'l know that most open days are coming up in June/July. Most universities hold two open days in the summer, and another one or two in September, and booking is already open for most summer open days. I think that open days are the most important part of the decision-making process, so it's integral to be prepared before going. To book your open day place (plus any talks/tours you want to go on), go to the university website and find the open days page. I recommend going to about 6 open days to keep your options open, but there is absolutely no upper or lower limit, just do what's right for you. At the end of this post is a comprehensive list of all the Russell Group universities and some non-Russell Groups along with links to their Summer open day pages. Please note that open days are taking place in September/October and later on for nearly all of these unis, but I have not included these dates on the list.

What to do pre-open day
- do your research
Know the facts about the uni; know what subjects you'd be studying, know if it's an old/new building,  know the entry requirements (A Level results, GCSE results, and/or specific subjects at A Level or equivalent).
- book!
For most universities, you'll need to book your place (and your guests' places) for scheduled talks and tours. For some universities, you'll need to book to even enter the open day. Make sure to book ASAP, because places disappear quickly.
- transport
Decide how to get to the uni. Car, train, or park and ride are normally the best options, but make sure you know how and when you need to get there so you don't have to panic on the day. Also, make sure you're aware of how and where to park (by car) or if you need to make a booking (for park and ride).
- look around online and compare unis
University websites are generally very helpful, with almost all the essential information on them. Branch out, and check out unis that you may not be interested in going to. I personally prefer to see all the doors in front of me and close them one by one as opposed to just searching for the one right door, if you understand my analogy. Go to at least one campus uni and one off-campus city uni if you can, no matter whether you feel you've decided to be on or off campus. Who knows, you might change our mind.
- make a schedule
Allow time to get there, plus allow about 15/20 minutes to get to each talk/tour/college (more time if someone in your party has a mobility disability). Know exactly when you have to be exactly where, to save stress on the actual day. Remember to leave time for lunch!

What to take on the day
- laptop and/or paper and pens
Especially if you're attending talks, you may want to make notes so that when you come to decide on where to apply, you'll remember the good and bad points of each uni.
- your booking info
Talks and times, parking/park and ride information, and tickets to get in, plus any other documents you'll be requiring.
- a list of questions
After the talks, there'll usually be a time of Q&A with course leaders/current students, so make sure to make a list of anything you want to ask, and (even more importantly) make sure you listen to other people's questions and their answers, as you may want to know something but didn't think of it straight away.
- info about the uni
Do they do a year out? Is it a campus university? Do they even do the subject(s) you want? Do they do combined honours? These are questions that you could ask someone on the day, but are easily found out by a little bit of research that could end up saving both you and the people at the uni precious time. Write down the key points of each uni and take them on the day, for easy access to vital information.
- an open mind
Ugh, that was cringey. Sorry. Seriously though, if you go to a uni thinking that you'll hate it, then you will hate it. Come with a mind that is open to discovering hidden gems, or on the flip side, don't overlook the bad points of your favourite uni. You'll be spending at least 3 years there, so you don't want to make the decision on a misconception.
- the essentials
Money (food, possibly parking, gifts etc), phone, keys, parent(s) and/or guardian(s), directions (both to and within the uni) and/or google maps, etc.

Helpful Links (all open in a new window)
Open Days pages
Russell Group
Birmingham (Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June)
Bristol (Friday 16 and Saturday 17 June)
Cambridge (Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July)
Cardiff (Friday 7 July)
Durham (Monday 26 June and Saturday 1 July)
Edinburgh (Friday 9 June)
Exeter (Friday 2 and Saturday 3 June)
Glasgow (Thursday 15 June and Wednesday 30 August)
Imperial College London (Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 June) (Taster Courses (Tuesday 11 and Tuesday 25 July))
King's College London (Guy's Campus Saturday 10 June and Saturday 8 July, Strand Campus Saturday 24 June)
Leeds (Saturday 17, Thursday 22, and Friday 23 June)
Liverpool (Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June)
LSE (Thursday 6 July) (Taster Courses (Tuesday 13 June))
Manchester (Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June)
Newcastle (Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July)
Nottingham (Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July)
Oxford (Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 June)
Queen Mary University of London (Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June)
Queen's University Belfast (none in Summer, closest is Thursday 7 September)
Sheffield (Wednesday 21 June and Saturday 8 July)
Southampton (Saturday 8 July)
University College London (Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July)
Warwick (Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June)
York (Friday 30 June and Sunday 2 July *RECENTLY CHANGED FROM SAT 1ST TO SUN 2ND*)
Non-Russell Group
St Andrews (none in Summer, closest is Wednesday 27 September)
Loughborough (Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July)
Bath (Thursday 15, and Friday 16 June)
Reading (Friday 16 and Saturday 17 June)
Surrey (Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July)
Leicester (Friday 7 July)
Nottingham Trent (Tuesday 11 July)
Lancaster (Friday 14 and Saturday 15 July)
Royal Holloway (Wednesday 14 and Saturday 17 June)
SOAS (Wednesday 14 June)
Sussex (Saturday 24 June)
Kent (Medway Campus Saturday 17 June, Canterbury Campus Saturday 1 July

Other Helpful Links
Russell Group

I hope this has been helpful, and please let me know if any of the links stop working! <3

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Happy Birthday Trent Reznor

Hi everyone! Today is May 17th, which means it's Trent Reznor's birthday! Here's a little bit about him:

Trent Reznor

Born: 17 May 1965 (Michael Trent Reznor), Pennsylvania

Died: Still alive, aged 52

Nationality: American

Fame: Frontman of industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails and member of experimental band How To Destroy Angels, as well as a successful businessman

Why I chose them: NIN have been one of my favourite bands for a long time, and Trent Reznor himself to me is so inspiring. In the 1990s, he struggled with grief, depression, and social anxiety disorder, which turned him to the abuse of alcohol and drugs (mainly cocaine). This trail of self-destruction is documented in the 1994 album The Downward Spiral (which ends with the original NIN version of Hurt, which you may recognise from the Johnny Cash cover). Despite this, Reznor completed rehab in 2001, making the choice to lay off music and stressful life, instead favouring recovery and salt-care, which I believe is an incredibly wise choice that is not usually made by rockstars such as Trent Reznor.
"Instead of always working, I took a couple of years off, just to figure out who I was"
Happy Birthday, Trent Reznor. I hope you're happy. :) 

Sunday, 14 May 2017

A Christian Woman Should Be

Hi guys, so today's post is a quite serious topic for me. Recently, I've seen way too many videos entitled 'Christian Women Should(n't) ..........'. The blank has been filled with various things, from Christian women shouldn't be seductive, to should always wear skirts, not trousers. I think it's about time someone put things straight, and told everyone what a Christian woman really should be.

A Christian woman can be young or old, black or white or Asian or Hispanic or any other race, straight or gay or bi or pan or asexual, tall or short or in between, blonde or brunette or redheaded or bald or have any colour hair she wants to.

Let's first tackle the issue of appearances, since that's what most people seem to be concerned with. As a teenage girl, I wear dresses and skirts a lot, because that's what I like to wear and feel comfortable in. Therefore, as a Christian teenage girl woman, I wear dresses and skirts to church a lot, too. Sure, the old people sometimes give me funny looks when my skirt is 'too short' or my top 'too low-cut', but those things by no means stop me from worshipping my God, which is what we're all at church to do. I'll be totally honest with y'all; Jesus does not care what you wear to church. He has a whole load of bigger things on His mind, trust me. Also, I'm 17 years old, so if you're a 60 year old man looking at my legs/chest/other body parts as sexual objects, I dare say you're the issue, not my clothing. Also, I feel a lot more confident wearing makeup (even to church), which seems to be looked down upon by a multitude of the more traditional Christians that I know. Again, Jesus doesn't care if I wear makeup or not! So why on earth should you?

Secondly, many people will tell you that a Christian woman must be 'beautiful but not seductive'. Pardon my French but what bollocks! If I want to be seductive, I damn well will (try to) be. If I don't want to be seductive, I damn well won't be! If I feel like I'm right with God, then unfortunately you have absolutely no say in what I do or what I wear, Mr. Judgey. If I feel unsure of whether what I'm doing is what God wants me to be doing, I'll pray about it and take it up with Him myself. And, if He has an issue with what I'm doing, I'm certain that He'll take it up with me, too. That's all parties that have a say in what I wear covered, so if you're not on the list of a) me and b) God, sorry but you should be worrying about your own walk with God and not mine.
(Check out Matthew 7:3-5 for more on being a hypocrite xxxxxxx)

I was going to dedicate a paragraph in retaliation to 'a Christian woman should never wear trousers, only skirts', but surely you see how ridiculous that sounds. I'm not even gonna bother stooping to that level crikey.

'Christian women shouldn't have a manly job'. There's no such thing as a 'manly' job. There are jobs whose staff are dominated by men, yes, but they are not at all therefore defined as 'manly' jobs. If a woman wants to be a housewife (Christian or not) she should be! If she wants to be a midwife or a seamstress or a cleaner or any other 'female' job, she should be! Equally, if she wants to be a lawyer or an engineer or a plumber or any other job formerly known as a 'manly' job, (guess what) she should be! Once again, this not only goes for Christian women, but all women. You should do whatever profession gives you the most enjoyment, and provides for you.

I've been told many, many times by people I know irl who aren't Christians that I'm 'not allowed' to do x or y or z because I'm a Christian, and that really angers me. Being a Christian does not limit me or what I can do, but what I want to do. I want to honour God, I want to make Him proud. And by all means, I can do whatever I darn well please. Please stop telling me how 'oppressed' I am, because I'm really not. I'm lucky enough to know a God who wants the best for me (and you, and everyone you or I or anybody else knows), and gives me an eternity of life, so does not aim to oppress me in the slightest.

In conclusion, a Christian woman should be right with God. That's it. That's all. Other than that, she should be whoever and whatever she pleases. And if you have an issue with that, take it up with God, not her.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Happy Birthday John Wilkes Booth

Happy Wednesday! - and Happy Birthday, John Wilkes Booth!

John Wilkes Booth

Born: 10 May 1838 Maryland, US

Died: 26 April 1865 (aged 26) Virginia, US. Shot as he fled from the theatre where he assassinated Lincoln.

Nationality: American

Fame: Actor, but most famous for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Why I chose them: You may be thinking 'weird choice'. And you're right, why should we put a murderer up on a pedestal? I'm not saying that he was justified in what he did at all; he wasn't! But you must admit that had he not killed the 16th President of the United States, history would look rather different. Booth's actions led to Andrew Jackson becoming president, and could've led to the end of the US Civil War a month after Lincoln was killed. 

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Florida Easter 2017

Here are some photos from my recent trip to WDW and Universal, Orlando. Enjoy! <3 

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's EPCOT

Disney's EPCOT

Disney's EPCOT

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Disney's Magic Kingdom

Disney's Magic Kingdom

Universal Studios

Universal Studios

Universal Studios

Universal Studios

Universal Studios

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Happy Birthday Frankie Valli

Hi guys - Happy May! This month's series is unlike any that I've done before. What I'll be doing this month is creating a profile for someone who was born on that day (each of the days in May that, this month, fall on Wednesdays). Today's is Frankie Valli.

Frankie Valli

Born: 3 May 1934 (Francesco Stephen Castelluccio), New Jersey

Died: Still alive, aged 83

Nationality: American

Fame: Primarily a singer, frontman of The Four Seasons, but also an actor

Why I chose them: I love The Four Seasons, and Frankie Valli's unmistakably powerful high falsetto voice is absolutely mesmerising. I'm sure you'll recognise songs such as Sherry, Rag Doll, Walk Like A Man, and December, 1963 (Oh What A Night), among many other instant hits. The Four Seasons' music has spanned many generations and is clearly still extremely popular today. Hence, why I think Frankie Valli deserves a place in this series. Happy Birthday, Frankie Valli!

Monday, 1 May 2017

Eating Vegan At Walt Disney World

Hi guys! Over Easter, I visited WDW and Universal Studios in Florida. Before I went, I tried to find a list of everywhere that served vegan food, and now with my own experience I've put together a guide of how to eat vegan at WDW and Universal! My original compilation was from a really great website which has apparently dropped off the face of the internet, because I can no longer find it. (If I do later on, I'll link it in.) Although I'm pretty sure, I can't guarantee that everything on this list is vegan as suppliers are constantly changing and I got some of this list from other people, so it's always best to ask your server and they'll usually know, or be able to find out for you.

Walt Disney World
Disney is truly magical when it comes to allergies. I wasn't expecting much, and I was very pleasantly amazed. WDW's advice for anyone with dietary requirements is to inform your server on entering a Quick Service/Table Service establishment. All of the staff were so well-informed and very conscientious and cautious as to not serving me anything that wasn't completely vegan. In addition to this, every food establishment is equipped with an allergen folder, which you can look through if you request. Also, there were a lot of vegan options! Decent vegan food too, not just fries and/or salad!

Magic Kingdom
Kiosks, Carts and Walk Ups
Aloha Isle, Adventureland
Vegan Option: Pineapple Dole Soft Serve and Dole Whip Float, Pineapple Spear
Prince Eric’s Village Market, Fantasyland
Vegan Option: Mickey Pretzels, Pickles, Pineapple Cup, Whole Fruit, Hummus and Chips, Watermelon
Plaza Ice Cream Parlor, Main Street USA
Vegan Option: Tofutti and Rice Dream Ice Cream
Cool Ship, Tomorrowland
Vegan Option: Mickey Pretzel
The Lunching Pad, Tomorrowland
Vegan Option: Mickey Pretzels, Soy Milk

Quick Service
Be Our Guest, Fantasyland
Breakfast Vegan Option: Waffles, Oatmeal, Sweet Breads (Erin McKenna’s), Fruit
Lunch Vegan Option: Quinoa Salad, French Onion Soup without cheese
Pinocchio Village Haus, Fantasyland
Vegan Option: Allergy Menu Pizza with Vegan Cheese
Columbia Harbor House, Liberty Square
Vegan Option: Vegetarian Chili without Oyster Crackers, Lighthouse Sandwich without Broccoli Slaw, Steamed Broccoli

Table Service
Jungle Skipper Canteen, Adventureland
Vegan Option: Falls Family Falafel without dip, Curried Vegetable Crew Stew, Sorbet
Be Our Guest, Fantasyland
Vegan Option: Layered Ratatouille
Crystal Palace, Main Street USA
Vegan Option: Veggies, Rice, Pasta, Occasional Tofu Dish, Tofutti Ice Cream – ask Chef for tour of vegan options
Plaza Restaurant, Main Street USA
Vegan Option: Vegetable Sandwich and Root Beer Floats
Tony’s Town Square, Main Street USA
Vegan Option: Pasta Primavera without Feta

Kiosks, Carts and Walk Ups
L’Artisan des Glaces, World Showcase (France)
Vegan Option: Waffle Cone and Fruit Sorbet

Quick Service
Sunshine Seasons, Future World
Vegan Option: Vegan Korma with Gardein® Meatless Chik’n, Vegan Flatbread Sandwich, Various Vegan Snacks
Liberty Inn, World Showcase (America)
Vegan Option: Freshly Grilled Gardein® Vegetarian “Chick’n” Breast (order without sauce on as it contains mayo), you can sub Chicken Sandwich for Vegetarian “Chick’n” Breast
Katsura Grill, World Showcase (Japan)
Vegan Option: Veggie Sushi, Edamame
Tangierine Cafe, World Showcase (Morocco)
Vegan Option: Vegetable Platter, Falafel Sliders, Falafel Wrap, ask to see pita ingredients as supplier often changes

Table Service
Coral Reef Restaurant, Future World
Vegan Option: Crabless Cakes, Earth Balance Vegan Butter Available, Vegan Rolls
Akershus Royal Banquet Hall, World Showcase (Norway)
Breakfast Vegan Option: Vegan Mickey waffles (must ask chef), potatoes, fruit
Lunch/Dinner Vegan Option: Fresh vegetables, lentil patties, salads
Biergarten, World Showcase (Germany)
Vegan Option: Tomato Salad, Green Bean Salad, Beet Salad, Cabbage, Fresh Pickles, Breads, Pretzels, Potato Wedges, Rice with Peas, Sautéed Veggies and Red Cabbage (may contain honey)
Via Napoli, World Showcase (Italy)
Vegan Option: Veggie Pizza without Cheese, Salad, Spaghetti Marinara
Teppan Edo, World Showcase (Japan)
Vegan Option: Yasai Fresh Grilled Vegetables swap beef rice for steamed rice, Edamame
Tokyo Dining, World Showcase (Japan)
Vegan Option: Veggie Sushi, Seaweed Salad, Edamame
Restaurant Marrakesh, World Showcase (Morocco)
Vegan Option: Assorted Mediterranean Salads for Two
Le Cellier, World Showcase (Canada)
Vegan Option: Root Vegetable Gnocchi (without sauce), Earth Balance Butter and Bread
Garden Grill
Vegan Option: Breakfast Platter (Fruit, Mickey Waffles, Hash Browns)
San Angel Inn Restaurante, World Showcase (Mexico)
Vegan Option: A whole vegetarian menu that can easily be made vegan, Guacamole, Vegetable Wraps,  others
Garden Grill
Vegan Breakfast Platter

San Angel Inn Restaurante
I can't remember what this is called oops, it's a starter

San Angel Inn Restaurante
Vegetable Wraps (it's actually a lot bigger than it looks lol)

Animal Kingdom
Kiosks, Carts and Walk Ups
Harambe Fruit Market, Africa
Vegan Option: Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Pretzels
Mahindi, Africa
Vegan Option: Popcorn, nuts
Tamu Tamu Refreshments, Africa
Vegan Option: Pineapple Whip Soft-serve
Mr. Kamal’s, Asia
Vegan Option: Hummus, Falafel without tzatziki, Samosas
Discovery Island Kiosk, Discovery Island
Vegan Option: Hummus with Vegetables, Chips, Fruit, Soy Milk, Enjoy Life Cookies

Quick Service
Harambe Market, Africa
Vegan Option: Chickpea Salad, Roasted Broccoli, Tomato Salad (all found at Kitamu Grill)
Restaurantosaurus, Dinoland USA®
Vegan Option: Black Bean Veggie Burger is NOT vegan, ask to swap for Gardenburger® Malibu vegan burger
Pizzafari, Discovery Island
Vegan Option: Vegan Pizza on Pita Bread, Daiya Vegan Cheese available

Table Service
Tusker House, Africa
Breakfast Option: Vegan Waffles (upon request), Various Potatoes, Fresh Fruit
Lunch/Dinner Option: Sautéed Vegetables, Couscous, Tabouleh, Tofu with Zucchini, Samosas, Various Dips, Breads
Yak and Yeti Restaurant, Asia
Vegan Option: Vegetable Lo Mein with Tofu (sub for rice or rice noodles), Miso Salmon (swap for tofu), Sweet and Sour Chicken (swap for tofu)
Tiffins, Discovery Island
Vegan Option: Roasted Market Vegetable Curry
Mr. Kamal’s, Asia
Falafel without tzatziki

Restaurantosaurus, Dinoland USA
Gardenburger Malibu vegan burger

Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM)
Kiosks, Carts and Walk Ups
Anaheim Produce, Sunset Boulevard
Vegan Option: Fruit, Pretzels, Chips

Quick Service
Starring Rolls Cafe, Sunset Boulevard
Vegan Option: Chips, Fruit
ABC Commissary, Commissary Lane
Vegan Option: Gardenburger Malibu Burger available upon request, Mediterranean Salad without cheese or dressing, comes with pitta and humous, dressing can be swapped for oil and vinegar upon request
PizzaRizzo, Muppet Courtyard
Vegan Option: Allergy Menu Pizza with Vegan Cheese

Table Service
50’s Prime Time Cafe, Echo Lake
Vegan Option: Spaghetti, Brownie Sundae, Milkshakes, Allergy Meatless Meatballs are NOT vegan, they contain egg
Hollywood and Vine, Echo Lake
Vegan Option: Build Your Own Pasta, Sautéed Vegetables, Vegan Ice Cream
Hollywood Brown Derby, Hollywood Boulevard
Vegan Option: Noodle Bowl (pho)
Sci Fi Dine-In Theatre, Commissary Lane
Vegan Option: Chef created Tofu and Vegetables, Vegetable Burger (ask for Gardenburger® Malibu Patty instead), Vegan Milkshakes
Mama Melrose’s Ristorante Italiano, Streets of America
Vegan Option: Pasta with marinara sauce, Rice Dream Ice Cream
ABC Commissary, Commissary Lane
Mediterranean Salad without cheese or dressing

Disney Springs
Kiosks, Carts and Walk Ups
Erin McKenna’s Bakery NYC, The Landing
Vegan Option: Bakery full of vegan and gluten free treats including donuts, cupcakes, breads, soft serve
Sprinkles, Town Center
Vegan Option: Vegan Red Velvet Cupcake

Quick Service
Wolfgang Puck Express, Marketplace

Vegan Option: Fresh Fruit Salad
Blaze Pizza, Town Center
Vegan Option: Build Your Own Pizza, Daiya Vegan Cheese Available, Gluten Free and Regular crust are both vegan

Table Service
Morimoto Asia, The Landing

Vegan Option: Edamame, Vegetable Sushi, House Green Salad
Paradiso 37, The Landing
Vegan Option: House-made Guacamole, Chips and Salsa, House Salad without cheese
Portobello Country Italian Trattoria, The Landing
Vegan Option: Salads, Pizza without cheese
Raglan Road, The Landing
Vegan Option: Risotto without cheese
T-Rex, The Landing
Vegan Option: Jurassic Salad, Omnivores Delight Salad, Prehistoric Pasta without cheese
Bongos Cuban Cafe, West Side
Vegan Option: Famous Black Bean Hummus without aioli
Splitsville™ Dining Room, West Side
Vegan Option: Edamame, Pizza without cheese

Typhoon Lagoon
Leaning Palms
Vegan Option: Strawberry Fruit Bar, Roasted Almonds
Vegan Option: Fruit Cup
Lottawatta Lodge
Vegan Option: Mushroom Burger without cheese, Fruit, Side Salad

Blizzard Beach
Leaning Palms
Vegan Option: Side Salad, Fruit Cup
Typhoon Tilly's
Vegan Option: Roasted Almonds/Pecans, Side Salad, Fruit Cup

The water parks were the only Disney parks that I could find almost nothing vegan to eat. There are a few options, but I went for bringing in wraps/sandwiches from home.

Universal Studios

Compared to WDW, Universal's vegan food is sparse. That being said, the servers are still very well-informed and helpful, and there are still some good options. The City Walk is probably the easiest place to find proper vegan food (I highly recommend Cowfish), and there are a few places inside the parks as well.

City Walk
Vegan Option: Vegetarian Enchiladas, others (just ask)
Auntie Anne's
Vegan Option: Pretzel without butter
Dippin' Dots
Vegan Option: Rainbow Ice, Blue Raspberry Ice
Vegan Option: Margherita Pizza without cheese, NOT pasta (contains egg)
Vegan Option: Edamame, Fried Pickles, Vegetarian Sushi Roll, Tree Hugger Sushi Roll, Heavenly Veggie Burger
Tree Hugger Sushi Roll

Islands Of Adventure
Burger Digs
Vegan Option: Fries (may be an issue with cross-contamination), Veggie Burger is NOT vegan
Fruit and Veg Stands
Doc Sugrue's Kebab House
Vegan Option: Vegetarian Kebab without sauce

Universal Studios
Three Broomsticks
Vegan Option: Pumpkin Juice, Lemon Squash, Gillywater, Orange Juice, Fizzing Tea, Corn on the Cob without butter, Baked Potato without butter or sour cream, Steamed Veg without butter, Garden Salad with Italian Dressing and Croutons, Roasted Potatoes, Fresh Fruit, Breakfast Potatoes, Old Fashioned Steamed Oats, Sautéed Mushrooms, Potato Wedges, Butterbeer is NOT vegan
Leaky Cauldron
Vegan Option: Sautéed Mushrooms, Breakfast Potatoes, Garden Salad with Italian Dressing and Croutons, Minted Peas, Root Veg, Veg Platter without Apple and Beet Salad and Peasant Bread, Lemon Squash, Gillywater, Orange Juice, Fizzing Tea, Margerine IS vegan, Butterscotch Beer, Butterbeer is NOT vegan
Vegan Option: Spaghetti and Meatballs without Meatballs
Spaghetti and Meatballs without Meatballs